Sangsad TV class routine for Class-6-7-8-9 & 10 – till 3rd December 2020
master প্রকাশ: নভেম্বর ৩০, ২০২০, ১:২১ অপরাহ্ন / ০
Sangsad TV class routine for Class-6-7-8-9 & 10 has been published by Directorate of secondary and higher education (DSHE). According this new routine class will held from 29th November to 3rd December, 2020 in Sangsad Bangladesh TV.
Daily class scheduling from 10.35 AM to 2.45 pm.
Sangsad TV class routine for Class-6-7-8-9 & 10 :
আপনার মতামত লিখুন :