IUB Vacancy Announcement 2021: Deadline Feb 16

master প্রকাশ: ফেব্রুয়ারী ৩, ২০২১, ১:৩১ অপরাহ্ন /
IUB Vacancy Announcement 2021: Deadline Feb 16

Independent University Bangladesh (IUB), opens career opportunity for several positions. The last date for application is this February 16.

Wanted Positions : Recruitment will be made to the following positions :
1. Associate and Assistant Professor in Department of Marketing under School of Business & Entrepreneurship.
2. Deputy Director and Administrative Officer in The Center for Bay of Bengal Studies.

How to Apply : For details on the announcement and how to apply, interested individuals need to visit the following link :

And filled-in application form must be submitted to the following mail address at hrdept@iub.edu.bd