HSC exam cancelled
master প্রকাশ: অক্টোবর ৭, ২০২০, ৯:৪৪ অপরাহ্ন / ০
Higher school certificate or HSC and equivalent exam has been canceled by Ministry of Education, Bangladesh. First time, this exam was planed to start from April-2020. But amid of corona this exam was postponed and preparing for start while seeking usual situation. But finally, today (October 7, 2020) in a statement education minister announced to cancel this major public exam.
Though HSC and equivalent exam canceled, Students will get certificate according their result based on own SSC and JSC/JDC exam results.
In line with the announcement, all candidates to the exam will be considered successful under an assessment of their SSC, JSC, JDC and equivalent exams.
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